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Table of Contents


  1. Stack vs heap memory
  2. Pointers
  3. how to go about debugging a piece of software.
  4. Design patterns
  5. OOP
  6. SOLID

Network FAQs#

  1. What is a subnet
  2. TCP/IP
  3. OSI Layer & its working
  4. Routers
  5. L2 & L3


  1. joins
  2. second highest salary
  3. indexing
  4. multilevel, multi column indexing
  5. explain, analyze, debug
  6. function vs procedure
  7. aggregation vs analytical


  1. Process vs Thread
  2. Kernel Thread vs User Space Thread
  3. How OS boots, list the operations
  4. Semaphores and mutexes
  5. Multiprocess and multithread questions
  6. deadlock prevention
  7. How does CPU caching work?